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Presentation and program

Olympic Games and Global Cities
(OGGC Conference)

30 November, 7 and 8 December 2021

The decision to postpone the Tokyo Games in the spring of 2020 marks a significant change in the Olympic dynamics. Tokyo has become the very first city to adjourn the Games, after prior experiences of their cancellation in 1940 and their resounding success in 1964. Through its history, Tokyo thus embodies the failure, success of and uncertainty around the preparation of the Olympic and Paralympic Games. But Tokyo 2021 should not merely be viewed as the “postponed Games”. It is also a mega-event whose urban inscription denotes a radical transformation of the transformation of the Olympic urban project. In Tokyo, and even more so in Paris in 2024, the organisers are putting the emphasis on renovations, requalifications and temporary facilities, in order to avoid building new infrastructures and to make the best of the already existing functions of the global city.

This conference proposes to investigate this change, which has unfolded within the Olympic movement since the 2000s; a trend that tends to favour bids from cities that already possess all the necessary facilities, to the detriment of regional metropolises. The aim of this scientific event is to examine the realignments in the International Olympic Committee, its expectations of candidate and host cities, and the evolutions in the types of applications and applicant cities. The Olympic governance, urban governance, as well as the strategies of global cities and their Olympic urban project will be particularly under scrutiny.


Round Tables


30 November 2021
11.00 – 13.00 (French time) | In English

Tokyo and after: What is the legacy of these exceptional Games?

Opening remarks: Sébastien Lechevalier (President of the Fondation France-Japon de l’EHESS and Professor at EHESS)
Discussant: Alexandre Faure (FFJ-EHESS)

Niccolò Cuppini (Researcher at SUPSI, Skills Centre for Work, Welfare and Society)
Fumiaki Nakayasu (Senior Director of Games Delivery Office, TOCOG)
Oussouby Sacko (President of the Kyoto Seika University, Special advisor to the Expo 2025)
Mitsuru Yamashiro (Member of the Tokyo Metropolitan Government)


7 December 2021
17.15 – 19.00 (French time) | In French
Onsite: Maison des Sciences de L’Homme Paris, 20 Avenue George Sand, 93210 La Plaine St-Denis

Seine-Saint-Denis 2024 – Quelle influence les Jeux ont-ils et vont-ils avoir sur la Plaine Saint-Denis ?

Opening remarks: Jean-François Balaudé (Président du Campus Condorcet)
Discussant: Emmanuel Bellanger (Professeur, Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique)

Dominique Alba (Directrice de l’Atelier parisien d’urbanisme)
Mathieu Hanotin (Président de Plaine-Commune)
Grégoire Koenig (Délégué aux relations institutionnelles de Paris 2024)
Camille Picard (Directrice territoriale Seine Saint Denis et Val d’Oise chez Groupe Caisse des Dépôts)
Stéphane Troussel (Président du Conseil Départemental de la Seine-Saint-Denis)

Followed by a cocktail

8 December 2021
17.00 – 19.00
Onsite: Maison de La Culture du Japon, 101 Quai Branly, 75015 Paris

Quelles leçons pour Paris 2024 après les Jeux Olympiques et Paralympiques de Tokyo ?

Opening remarks: Junichi Ihara (Ambassadeur du Japon en France), Hitoshi Suzuki (Président de la MCJP)
Discussant: Charles-Édouard Houllier-Guibert (Maître de conférences, Université de Rouen)

Grégoire Koenig (Délégué aux relations institutionnelles de Paris 2024)
Pierre Rabadan (Adjoint à la Maire de Paris en charge du sport, des Jeux olympiques et paralympiques)
Thierry Terret (Délégué ministériel aux Jeux Olympiques et Paralympiques)

Followed by a cocktail