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Urban Experimentation and Global Cities

In association with Mines ParisTech, this monthly meeting of the FFJ aims to present the challenges of urban experiments in the context of ecological transition. Indeed, since the Kyoto conference, cities are playing an increasingly important role in the development and deployment of technological solutions to fight and adapt to the consequences of global warming. Public and private actors, local and national, are building coalitions with the aim of setting up experiments on more or less regulated and more or less large territories depending on the object being experimented with (autonomous vehicles, energy distribution and regulation, building materials, urban services, security….).

The objective of this webinar is to question the formation of these coalitions of actors based on the specific contexts of each city, as well as on existing institutional configurations. This meeting will take place every second Wednesday of the month starting on December 9, 2020.

Join the webinar

Alexandre Faure (post-doc – FFJ, EHESS)

